What is Heritage Link Brands?
While on a business trip to South Africa in September 2005, Selena Cuffe visited the first annual Soweto Wine Festival in Johannesburg, organized by the Cape Wine Academy. There, she met vintners from the Seven Sisters, one of the only black-owned wineries in South Africa, who were having difficulty securing local distribution. At the same festival, Cuffe learned that out of South Africa's $3-billion wine industry, less than 2% was owned by blacks. Seeing the inequality – blacks made up over 80 percent of the country's population – and wanting to help the indigenous vintners she had encountered, Selena with her husband, Khary began to craft the idea of Heritage Link Brands, LLC to trade wine, other consumer packaged goods, and services between Africa, the Americas, and Asia. The company has since expanded to include vineyard equity interests and advisory services.
Does Heritage Link Brands sell wine or other goods online?
Heritage Link Brands is does not sell wine directly to consumers. However we encourage you to support our vineyards in South Africa, should your travels take you there!
Do you have a Wine Club?
No, Heritage Link Brands does not have a wine club.
My organization is interested in learning more about doing business in Africa or with diverse suppliers - how do I procure your services?
Please connect with us for further information.